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What is Reiki and how can I learn?'

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."


Reiki means "universal life force energy" and is an ancient healing method that manipulates energy flow in the body. Reiki practitioners believe there is an energy force in and around the body. They believe that there is a flow of energy between the reiki practitioner and the receiver of the treatment. It is thought that reiki releases energy flows and allows the body's own natural healing ability to work. 


Reiki focuses on seven main energy centers, called chakras, in your body. The energy should flow freely through your chakras in order for you to be spiritually, physically, and mentally healthy. Practitioners believe that if energy paths are blocked, you may feel ill or weak or have pain. 

A reiki treatment session usually lasts an hour. The reiki practitioner puts his or her hands over or on your body at certain chakras. Reiki  is used to decrease pain, ease muscle tension, speed healing, improve sleep and much more .


​I am a Reiki Master Teacher.

Reiki changed my life in October 2017. When my Reiki Master Teacher asked her level 1 Students If we saw ourselves teaching Reiki I caught myself nodding yes . I finally found what I had been looking for, a way to make a change.

if you are interested scroll down for more information on my classes  .   

who knows maybe you will raise your hand when I ask if you see yourself teaching Reiki in the future.

after all  " Reiki channels are people from all walks of life, all races and all occupations who have received attunements from a qualified Reiki Master. those who go on to share and teach the system are the predestined to purify the planet."

Reiki 1 Handbook

Hand on Reiki


A natural approach to healing. Heal your body, naturally. I'm an experienced Reiki Practitioner and a firm believer in a holistic approach to healing. The human body is made up of the mind, body, and spirit. All three must be in working order, so that a free flow of energy is achieved. Through my practice, I work hard to release this energy and promote well-being. With my Hands-on-Reiki therapy, patients claim to feel relaxed and renewed after each session. I'm trained in psychological techniques, so I tailor your session to work on your specific goals and needs. I love showing my patients how just a few treatments can make an enormous difference to their health.


Distant Reiki 

Distance Reiki is just like coming in person.

the only difference is you and I can be in different time zone. 

pretty cool



Children Reiki

Children can benefit from Reiki the same as adults.

Reiki can help the child relax and increase their confidence. 

children are natural absorbers of energy.

Reiki is a nice, safe and non invasive way of balancing the energy.​​

This session will be done on a chair.


(ages 6-13).

one parent or guardian may be in the room.

(no phones allowed during the session)

Reiki Classes â€‹

I teach my classes the same way I was taught.  this is how I Teach my classes.


Level 1( ages 14 and up)

10:00AM TO 6:00PM

"Come to learn an ancient hands on healing modality call REIKI"" Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is by the “laying on of hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means “Universal” and Ki which is “life force energy.” So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.” In a Reiki class, one receives a Reiki ‘attunement’ or initiation— the Reiki Master facilitates a transference of universal life force energy to the student. The student is then able to work with Reiki energy at will. Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and a wonderful method for deepening awareness of universal energy. In general, Reiki complements other healing methods and spiritual practices. Becoming a Reiki practitioner opens energy channels in the body and the spirit. This can lead to deep and profound changes in your quality of life, sense of self, and your ability to manifest. Not to mention giving yourself a holistic way to work with your own physical challenges The FOLLOWING WILL BE COVERED IN THE REIKI I CLASS: -Historical background of Traditional Usui Reiki and Ancient Shamanic practices of hands on healing. -The hand positions to treat self and others -Reiki on animals and plants - The Reiki I Attunement and Ceremony - The energy body (the Aura) and the Chakras -You will learn to administer a full Reiki treatment on a massage table and quick treatment on a chair ( Chair reiki ) -How to use crystals with your reiki sessions - A detailed reiki manual included.






Level 2 ( ages 14 and up)

10:00AM TO 6:00PM

students most complete level one with me before taking this training

Level 2 is defined as the practitioner level because it focus on practicing Reiki on others, as well as an expanded opening of the energy channels. Additionally students receive the "Reiki symbols" and Level 2 attunement or initiation ceremony . The Reiki symbols allow the practitioner to connect more deeply to the universal energy, as well as draw on the qualities that the symbols represent. This includes the ability to provide distance Reiki, or sending healing energy to individuals wherever they may be...This symbols also may be used to clear energy blockages across time, as well as physical locations. Due to the intensity of the attunement process, some Reiki Masters recommend that at least 21 days to a full three months pass between receiving the Level 1 and Level 2 attunements (Level 1 is required to receive Level 2). . The Level 2 attunement is given in one single attunement, with a focus on opening up the heart chakra . Level 2 also includes practice in drawing the symbols, invoking their qualities, as well as crystal healing, energy transmissions, clearings and the use of other healing techniques. A detailed reiki manual included.



Advanced ( ages 14 and up)

10:00AM TO 6:00PM

add info here 






Reiki Master info (Apprentice for 4 classes )

Reiki Master Teacher (Apprentice for 1 year or more )

Reiki Classes for children (Ages 6-8) ( ages 9-13)

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